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Do you feel lucky, punk?

Investigative journalism is akin to classic science, not the consensus creating kind. News brought to you by investigative journalists either catches us off guard, or they support our closely held suspicions by offering proof. Consensus builders consider investigative journalism dangerous, which is …

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Bring the popcorn

Ahead of his meeting with Zelensky, Trump called Putin. Possibly more than once. And by the looks of it he didn't receive the answers he had expected. That is to say, the Russians are signalling that the relations with the US are at 'Breaking Point'. Like I said in my previous essay, Trump seemed to…

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The end of the narrative

In the interview Putin gave to Tucker Carlson, the former 'Fox'-anchor asked the Russian president why Russia didn't expose everything they had to know about who blew up 'Northstream'? Surely the Russians had to have pertinent information about that, and wasn't it an important part of warfare to con…

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Let's get real

Just for the sake of the argument, let's assume that NATO, firing its drones and missiles from the territory of Ukraine, would be able to destroy the bulk of the oil facilities in Russia. Would that be the end of Russia's war effort? Would it be the end of Putin? 


NATO has been working from th…

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Desperate moves should be expected

Ukraine has been hitting oil facilities in Russia for quite some time now, and there is no doubt in my mind that they will continue to do so, sponsored and assisted by European NATO-countries, which are thus the driving force behind that strategy. All of that is based on this idea that Russia is act…

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On Safari

No huge changes on the frontline in the war between Russia and Ukraine. But multiple noteworthy developments, with Ukraine trying to restructure its armed forces in the middle of a war it is losing, now switching to a concept around brigades. Not an easy task in peace-time, and this may very well be…

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Let me try again to clarify some important points

Picture this: Early nineties. The Soviet Union capitulated, and released its grip on the countries in the 'Warsaw Pact', rendering them fully independent states again, no longer led by communists under instructions from 'Moscow'. Parts of the Soviet Union itself broke away, becoming independent nati…

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It is bound to be brutal

By the looks of it, life in the 'West' is going to be brutal. It is not something I want. It is something I've tried to warn people about. While part of me is angry, because this downfall was easily avoidable, I tend to save my fellow men from my wrath and ask what I myself could have done to avoid …

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A pattern emerges

They were all there, in Davos, at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation event, celebrating war with Russia. The European representatives of 'Warmonger Incorporated', in a meeting under the auspices of a partisan CNN pundit. The Dutch Secretary General of NATO, Mark Rutte, whipped up the sentiments in the ro…

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Time proved my point

Time published an article, based on sources within the Biden administration, which acknowledged that the US was fully aware of the fact that Ukraine would not be able to defeat Russia on the battlefield, or regain territory lost, less so Crimea. These sources state that 'for as long as it takes' did…

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